"Das A Positive!"

 So last week I had the incredible pleasure of shooting Liz and Mark’s wedding down in the Bahamas.
I honestly can’t say enough about the two of them. Mark has an ease and general calm that surrounds him everywhere he goes and Liz clearly pours her entire heart into every relationship she has. It came as no surprise to me how awesome they were together after spending four days with their families. Awesome people breed awesome people. “Das a positive” is Bahamian slang for “That makes a lot of sense”. And these two together…well, make a lot of sense.

   I went down with Courtney, one of my best friends ever since high school and we had a BLAST. We have always been the kind of people who come back from anywhere with a story. It could be a simple grocery trip or an international getaway, and somehow whenever anyone asks how our trip was it always starts with “well…you see, what had happened was…” I love it. And this trip didn’t disappoint! 
   I think the best story happened to us downtown. If you’ve ever been to any Caribbean island you know there are a TON of diamond import/jewelry places. I mean they’re everywhere. It must be a club or something. Anyway, as we were passing one I told Court that I wasn’t really sure what kind of engagement ring she’d like when it comes that time for her. SO we should go in and take a look, and with much persuasion (alright, I physically pushed her through the door) I got her in. Now, Court has currently been dating a guy for about a month. It’s definitely in the beginning stages, but he seems pretty great. However, this is obviously one of those things you wouldn’t really want to get out that early in the relationship. I mean, can you imagine?! 
Court’s guy: “So how was the trip?”
Court: “Awesome! I went shopping for engagement rings! Isn’t that hilarious?”
Court’s guy: ::insert puff of smoke::
   My disclaimer to you guys is that obviously I wanted to get that kind of trip out of the way BEFORE she gets to that point with said future husband. I mean, do you have any idea how hard it is to bring that subject up when it’s even remotely close to happening? Pretty hard.
   All this seems like no big thing right? Wellllll…a little while later I noticed a camera crew. Oh yeah. Like five guys taping us. The director came over to me and asked if it would be ok if he filmed us. Of course it is! Hello! I’m an actress-could be my big break, right? I calmed Court down by telling her it was probably just a little local thing yada-yada-yada. Funny thing. It’s actually for the cruise lines. ALL of them. It’s going into an ad for all of the ships that cruise and port in Nassau. Um. Awesome. I think Court’s forgiven me. Although, now I’ve blogged about it too…whoops. 

Newborn Baby Esther

After doing Jessica and Kyle’s maternity pictures (check out the rest of the slideshow here http://meaganophotography.com/#/esther-slideshow/), it was a PLEASURE to get the opportunity to do newborn pictures of baby Esther. She is a stunning baby with a full head of hair! When I got there, I had the pleasure of meeting Jess’s parents. Kyle and Jess were more than willing to oblige my every creative whim and, as always, it’s just nice working with friends.

Matt and I have officially been married for one year and while we’re waiting on the kids part (5-7 years sounds great to me!) We are really excited about being future parents. Based on how Matt acts around our adorable niece Blair (*cough* wrapped around her little finger *cough*) I’m pretty sure I’ll end up being the disciplinarian.

Shoot, even how he acts around our dog, Max! Here is some typical dialogue from the O’Neal household:

Me: Alright, Max. Time for bed. Crate time!
Matt: Oh, he’s alright! Let’s just let him cuddle with us for a few more minutes.

Fast-forward to around 2:33am, Max has all 69lbs of himself sprawled out on his back, mid-bed, legs splayed. Meanwhile, my 6’2” hubby has contorted his body in an interesting shape so as not to disturb said dog, leaving his beautiful wife to lay precariously over the edge of the bed. Good thing they’re both cute!

Ode to Mom

   This weekend something scary happened. 

   I got a phone call from my dad at 8:30am and woke up to the words “last night, your mom was admitted to the hospital.” WHAT!? The questions poured out of my mouth as I tried to place exactly what my dad was telling me. First of all, my mom had been up at Gwinnett Medical Center visiting my aunt Tracey who has Stage 4 cancer. We’ve all been praying and worrying about her constantly…but now mom is in the hospital?? My dad explained that she experienced some extreme chest pain the night before (yes my heart was in my throat at that) and that they took her in and discovered that she had 5-7 gallstones that needed to be surgically removed immediately.

   I was already pulling on jeans and yanking my dog towards the door to take him out before I flew (literally doing 90-100 to the hospital). My thoughts were a whirlwind. What the heck is a gallstone anyway!? I logically explained to myself that it couldn’t be too bad, otherwise dad would’ve been more freaked out and would be flying to the hospital as well (he came later). But I couldn’t stop the lump from rising in my throat, or the what ifs from assaulting my thoughts. What if something happens? What if she doesn’t wake up? What if my mom…? I can’t even finish that statement.

    I got to the hospital and made a beeline for her room (though dad explained to me that she was probably already in surgery).  Room 261.  Even just seeing “Thomas” written on the door made my stomach flip. When I cracked open the door, there she was sleeping. Bathed in this blue light, hooked up to machines that were angrily blinking various numbers in the darkened room. Her Carmex that she is never without was on the side table. Next to that, her glasses that she will only wear if they are a flashy color or pattern.  I know some of you are thinking that this is dramatic. That gallstones aren’t a big deal. Plenty of people have had that surgery. But none of that mattered to me at the time. This is my mom.

   I made a noise that must’ve woken her up because she started to sit up while she gave me a cracked greeting. I put on my Meagan face for her. The one that’s confident, witty, a little sarcastic and not the least bit worried. She told me how the night transpired and the nurse came in to get mom ready for surgery. My brother arrived shortly after. Wearing his Matt face. The one that’s calm, relaxed, and comforting without being too concerned. We were great actors. Finally, another male nurse came to wheel mom down to surgery. We said a prayer together, kissed and hugged her and then she was gone.

   As everyone expected, the surgery went perfectly and mom was cleared to go home late that same evening.   However, as I sat here yesterday afternoon finishing up the editing of a newborn shoot I just shot with Jessica and Kyle, I found myself thinking about moms in general. From the time each of us are born, there is so much preparation done. So much love lavished. While the dads do a lot, there is just something amazing and unique that each of us feels for our mom. Some of us have lost touch with them. Some of us had moms who didn’t make very good decisions. I know that I’m one of the lucky ones to have my mom.  I also know that I really don’t show her how thankful I am for who she was when she was 25 and had me, and who she is now-25 years later.

   Mom, I love you. I love that you have such a huge heart for people in need. I love that you work with everything you have for your kids at school. I love that you instilled a love for God and people in me. I love that you know how to make my favorite pancakes. I love taking spontaneous trips that include bottomless mimosas and giant ants with you.  I love that you always surprise me with how much thought goes into the gifts you’ve given me through the years. I love that you used to make the rainbows dance in the dining room. I love that you want me to sit next to you at church because you enjoy worshiping together. I love shopping with you. I love that you always tell me the truth. I love that you forgive me in moments when my pride and arrogance get in the way. I love talking to you, listening to you and being with you. Most of all, I love who you are and who you’ve created me to be.

    Now, everyone reading this…go call your mom!

Photo credit: Kelly Lewis with Kelly Is Nice (www.kellyisnice.com)